I'm Donell. I teach high school Social Studies. I love my job, but last year I got a new job when I became the mom of twins. The past 16 months have been absolutely incredible. I love being a mom. I love having twins. (I know some of you find that hard to believe, but I promise it's great.) My children are miracles and I love every moment I get to spend with them.
Today was the last day of school. Last summer my kids (a boy and a girl) were working on extraordinary skills like holding their heads up, rolling over, and sitting unassisted. This summer they've mastered all of those things and are walking, toddler running, and working on talking. I realized I was going to need some things for them to do. And so I began scourering the internet for cheap (or even better free) things to do with them this summer. It wasn't as easy to find as you may think. I've pinned a few things on Pinterest, but you never know if it will really work, be really fun, or be really entertaining (for everyone including Mommy). I'll use this blog as a place to share ideas (and exercise some of my more creative inclinations).
So welcome to my blog. I hope someone out there will find it helpful.